Monday, June 6, 2016

Introducing Jess & Chance

Why hello there! We are beyond excited that you’re visiting our site, whether you think it’s just by chance or not! I’m Jessica, the “Jess” in JessByChance and I’m Chancely, the “Chance” in JessByChance! We are both Jesus loving, adventure seeking, sweet-toothed, southern girls who have a passion for Rom Coms, Blue Bell ice cream, endless laughter, and obviously guys who wear glasses…but must importantly a passion for Christ and for sharing that passion! For quite some time now, we’ve both had aspirations to start this blog to be a tool for just that!
            We both strive to live out lives filled with love, joy and happiness; love for Christ, others, and ourselves, joy for each day we are here on this earth, and happiness for the simple fact we are chosen! But as you may know, this little recipe is much easier said than done. It can be extremely difficult, especially under the circumstances we call “life” to be just so. Since it’s just that, we have different tabs available on our website with things that help remind us and keep us loving, joyful, happy, hopeful, Christ minded and all of the qualities we strive and are called to be and our prayer is we could encourage and help bring these things to you when you are feeling the least of them and even when you’re filled with them.
Our blog title is “JessByChance” which you’ve probably noticed is a play on the phrase “Just By Chance”! We decided on this particular name because not only were we so excited to have such a stinkin adorable phrase with our names in it, but also, the title has an empowering significance behind it. As humans, we are natural-born sinners. We are selfish, arrogant, messy, and above all else, unworthy. We are so undeserving of the love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ provides for us, and we believe it’s not ‘just by chance’ we were chosen by Him and for Him. It’s not ‘just by chance’ we became the best of friends. It’s not ‘just by chance’ you are reading this today. We’re chosen and although we’ll never understand why we were, we are and what a beautiful and magical notion that is! With that incredible news, what do we NOT have to be happy about?! YOU, (yes you!) were chosen by God himself and we hope by reading this blog, you are filled with his spirit and are encouraged to live the life you are called to live and the person you’re made to be.
            Thank you so much for visiting our site and if you made it this far, we cannot thank you enough for simply reading our mission and we wish you every bit of happiness… if you stick around and continue this journey with us or if you decide not to! We pray these words will give you hope and help you find an even deeper hope in Christ as you continue to grow in Him!

Life is a beautiful mess friends and we cannot wait to share the moments where we have found this to be true.

God bless and XOXO,

Jess and Chance

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